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Omnichannel Commerce

You have to lead the channels to the customers - not the other way around

Today, customers want to shop at any time and from anywhere. The coexistence of different points of sale – from stationary retail to platforms and online stores – makes the customer's journey more complex and places high demands on the coordination of channels. In addition, valuable customer data must be compiled, evaluated, analyzed and made available for the various channels. But how do you ensure that your online and offline channels are mutually beneficial rather than cannibalizing each other?

Real solutions are always based on real insights: which touchpoints do your customer really want? Who is looking for personal advice? Who prefers to make spontaneous mobile or online purchases? What demands do customers have on customer service?


The answers to these questions determine how to move forward: missing touchpoints are added and linked to existing channels, ensuring a smooth customer experience. The acquired customer data is the basis for personalization and user targeting for your customers. This strengthens your relationship with your existing customers and generates new leads.

What we do

In comprehensive workshops with customers and experts, we define relevant customer needs and identify potential for your business. Based on these insights, we plan the appropriate omnichannel architecture that will turn your company into a digital leader. We work closely with you to implement the jointly defined requirements. We have many years of experience in the field of agile and classic project implementation and provide you with the knowledge that our experts have gathered over many years in the retail business.

Explore Digital Commerce Consulting

It has become very difficult to keep track of the countless e-commerce providers. diconium selects the right partner for you - independently and individually. We then handle the implementation, the operation and the worldwide rollout. You get all this from one single source - trouble-free and result-oriented.

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Digital Sales
Online Marketplaces and Platforms