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Digital Transformation Consulting

Unexpected business potentials

The digital change puts the entire economy upside-down. In particular, enterprises steeped in long traditions find themselves confronted with huge challenges. The digitalization of distribution chains, internal processes, and structures, the interaction with partners, or the creation of new products - they all demand dynamism and agility, which are usually hard to achieve for large companies. However, the journey into digital transformation will pay off. Fast-growing markets and disruptive business segments open up when technical possibilities are fully utilized while the mindset and methodologies of digital champions find their way into the company.

Digital transformation also requires the elimination of silos in companies. Each of them boasts valuable expertise and innovative spirit but they are not working hand-in-hand.  Digitalization is therefore also an internal process. A process that allows customer demands, such as speed, reliability and innovation to be met.


What we do

Agile working methods and product thinking require completely new organizational models and working methods that integrate innovation, strategy, marketing and execution. Digital transformation is no patchwork; all gears of the company's value chain must interlock.

Our consulting approach to digital transformation takes all these levels into account and consistently applies agile and lean start methods right from the beginning. Your end customer is at the heart of our transformation approach. After an analysis of their digital maturity, using our Digital Readiness Index method, we define a tailored transformation program. Iteratively and precisely along your strategic and operational challenges we take your organisation into account, define optimized cooperation models, train your employees in new methods, skills and mindsets and work together with you to develop artifacts that make change tangible. 

Let's join forces to find out how you can set up your company for the digital future, both internally and in relation to your customers - and then successfully go into implementation together.

Explore Transformation

Master the digital change! We analyze your potentials, plan individual change measures and implement them agilely with you. From the innovative idea to the worldwide rollout: diconium brings you on the "Fast Track to Digital Leadership".

Digital Company Building
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Change Management Consulting