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AI Integration

Integrating Generative AI successfully 

A detailed plan is required to implement specific AI use cases. This should include the scope of data exploration, the development of a minimum viable product (MVP) and the collection of the required data. This phase is characterized by iterative development and continuous testing. This is how we support you along the way: in our AI design sprints, workshops and other services, e.g. for the development of trustworthy AI, we work together to lay the foundations and prepare you for successful AI technologies implementation. Our AI solutions focus on the integration of artificial intelligence in various industries in order to create competitive advantages and drive innovation.

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Workshop: Next Level Customer Service 

Take your customer service to the next level! In this workshop, we will work together to develop a detailed implementation plan for your AI use case to decode customer behaviour, optimize the customer experience and predict potential complaints. State-of-the-art AI technologies and language models are used to categorize moods and communicate with your customers in a targeted and individual way. We will show you exactly how this works using the example of our smart AI chatbot Dicobot. 


AI Design Sprint

In the AI Design Sprint, our experts dive deep into your business processes to evaluate and optimize them using a minimum viable product (MVP) approach. The result: Whether UI design, software or data engineering - in just a few days, you will receive actionable results for the holistic implementation of your generative AI use cases in our AI Design Sprint. 

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Trustworthy AI: Fit for Regulations 

With our "Trustworthy AI" service offering, we support you in the development of trustworthy AI for business-critical and security-relevant applications. The focus is on targeted and future-proof preparation for key AI challenges such as regulation by the European Union's AI Act. At the same time, "Trustworthy AI" allows you to shorten costly and time-consuming certification processes by having us accompany you all the way to certification of the AI by an independent testing body. 

Learn more about trustworthy AI


Our AI expertise

Our multidisciplinary team of more than 200 data and AI experts is your implementation partner for customized use cases in the field of artificial intelligence. diconium accompanies you on the journey to leverage AI in your company, always working closely with your team.


Your contacts

Contact our AI experts for a free initial conversation.

Contact Us

Swantje Kowarsch
Swantje Kowarsch
managing director diconium data
David Blumenthal-Barby
David Blumenthal-Barby
principal specialist AI engineering
Arash Azhand
Arash Azhand
senior specialist AI engineering

Explore our AI-Services

Discover how our AI solutions transform data into business-relevant results. 

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Trustworthy AI
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AI Consulting
GenAI Workshop


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