Tech company

Which in-car data can be used to offer the most attractive services that are both customer-centric and cost-optimized? diconium has found the answers for a global technology company.

Business Model Generation
Data Science
Data Strategy

Our story


The Challenge


"Data is the new gold, as long as you know how to mine and sell it" - Our client had the opportunity to collect an abundance of sensor data of unprecedented quality and frequency. The goal was to find out if there are use cases and a market for this kind of data. diconium was entrusted to identify the market need within the specific target customer groups. We validated our estimate prices and possible revenues both on a quantitative and qualitative level. This contribution allowed our customer to decide whether or not to pursue the opportunity to implement a data based business model. 


Our Solution

We conducted a thorough value class analysis of the data, identifying common monetization options. Our approach included price estimation by cross-referencing existing data marketplace offerings and market demand estimation using Google Trend analysis. We validated our findings quantitatively within identified target groups and conducted qualitative validation through interviews. The results were consolidated into a comprehensive market model and high-level business case. 



We successfully identified and prioritized relevant use cases, providing a clear focus for our efforts. Our quantitative evaluations of monetization opportunities drew insightful analogies from comparable reference projects. Additionally, we validated revenue potential by assessing the willingness to pay among potential customers and estimating market size effectively. 

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Client: A global technology company

Industry: Automotive, Sensors

Business: B2B


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ready to update your business?

Let's talk!

Axel Wetten

senior business development manager
