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Industries Mobility


Europe, the birthplace of mobility, owes much to visionaries like Richard Trevithick, Gottlieb Daimler, and Carl Benz. While the initial focus was swift point-to-point travel, contemporary mobility embraces a spectrum of facets: digitalization, flexibility, intermodality, and personalization. Crucially, infotainment, data, and cyber security now shape the landscape. As we navigate these challenges, where does the future of mobility reside? Let's uncover answers together – from strategic consulting and data analysis to seamless technical implementation. 

Changing Mobility 

Put your company in the
digital fast lane

Whether aviation, rail, bikes, scooters or the automotive industry: new digital concepts require a modern IT architecture and the right data strategy, including artificial intelligence. This is the only way your company can successfully implement the increasingly important platform business and data-driven business models. How? With us at your side. 

diconium as a partner for digital experiences and innovations in the automotive & mobility sector 

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

Digitalized and flexibilized mobility concepts such as Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) offer users new opportunities to individually design their own mobility. For you as a provider, this opens up new economic opportunities through fleet management, app developments and valuable data insights about your customers. We help you with that. 


Mobile Customer Experiences 

The swift digitalization and interconnectivity in the mobility sector are unlocking advanced features in in-car entertainment and smart services. These encompass personal voice assistants and handy charging apps. However, meeting the growing expectations of customers and guiding them successfully into the digital future pose challenges. There is significant optimization potential, particularly at the interface involving manufacturers (OEMs), technology partners, suppliers, and customers. Count on our support in navigating this transformation. 

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Data-driven business models & production 

Data is reshaping the landscape, rewriting the rules of the game! It unlocks fresh business prospects, powering innovative services like digital twins, AI chatbots, and predictive maintenance. We optimize products and services, enhancing productivity and transparency. Yet, harnessing the full potential of data demands a cultural and organizational shift. Partner with us, and together, we'll shape a digital future that's robust and transformative! 


Seamless Customer Journeys 

The quest for transportation options has shifted to the digital realm, making the customer journey more intricate. Providers need to engage their target audience both online and offline, capturing them at crucial moments. That's precisely where we come in! Through our end-to-end approach, we craft seamless customer journeys for your mobility services. 


An ecosystem full of opportunities

Through our extensive network of cooperation and technology partners, we support our customers exactly in line with the current state of their digital transformation journey. Whether Adobe, Google, Salesforce, SAP or Microsoft: We work with the big brands of the tech scene - and are optimally wired with industry specialists and hidden champions.

More about our partner >


Success stories our automotive and mobility customers


The Digital Commerce Platform (DCP) for a leading global automotive brand bundles sales and service channels; additional digital solutions improve the customer experience.

Technology solutions Customer experience

A success story in fast motion: a few weeks after the founding of this company for Daimler AG, there were the first success stories; after only two years, a fully formed unit that realizes products agilely and quickly.

Transformation Innovation & strategy
Daimler AG
Daimler AG

In Stuttgart, Daimler AG has put into operation a pioneering office concept for digital, creative work. Planning and realization: diconium.


For the Daimler subsidiary moovel, diconium developed a shared car application that combines various mobility services in one app.

Innovation & strategy Customer experience
Car Manufacturer
Car Manufacturer

Simply charge up anywhere, at home via the connected wallbox and on the road. Thanks to diconium, e-car enthusiasts get all this in one convenient app. The services also include an online charging station search function and pre-planning of routes. Check out our Best Case.

Technology solutions Customer experience

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